With the end of Lent and the celebration of our Risen Lord fast approaching, here are our Easter service times for you to make a note of and hopefully come and join us – all are welcome!
Palm Sunday 24th March 10.30am Sung Mass with distribution of Palm Crosses
Maundy Thusday 28th March 7.30pm Mass of the Lord’s Supper with footwashing and Watch until 9.30pm
Good Friday 29th March 1.00pm Stations of the Cross, 2.00pm Liturgy of the Day
Easter Sunday 31st March 10.30am Easter Ceremonies and Sung Mass
Psalm 33:20-22 We wait in hope for the Lord; he is our help and our shield. In him our hearts rejoice, for we trust in his holy name. May your unfailing love be with us, Lord, even as we put our hope in you.
With the end of Lent and the celebration of our Risen Lord fast approaching, here are our Easter service times for you to make a note of and hopefully come and join us – all are welcome! please note there will be no organ concert for April as it falls on Holy Saturday.
Palm Sunday 10.30am Sung Mass
Maundy Thusday 7.30pm Mass of the Lord’s Supper and Watch until 9.30pm
Good Friday 1.00pm Stations of the Cross, 2.00pm Liturgy of the Day
Easter Day 10.30am Sung Mass
Psalm 33:20-22 We wait in hope for the Lord; he is our help and our shield. In him our hearts rejoice, for we trust in his holy name. May your unfailing love be with us, Lord, even as we put our hope in you.
Everyone is very welcome to join our Holy Week Services as follows:
Sunday 10th April 10.30am
Blessing of Palms and Sung Mass. Reading of St. Luke Passion Gospel
Maundy Thursday 14th April
7.30pm Mass of the Lord’s Supper and Watch before the Blessed Sacrament
Good Friday 15th April
1pm Stations of the Cross
2pm Liturgy of the Day – Reading of St John Passion Gospel and Veneration of the Cross
Easter Day 17th April
10.30am Blessing of Paschal Candle, Sung Mass and Renewal of Baptismal Promises.
Allleluia! Christ is Risen!
We are still using the side door (opposite Cobden) instead of the main tower doors, and have hand sanitizer available on entry. Service books are placed on the pews, and current service sheet is available on the table near the door . If you are unable to get to church please see the lockdown Easter service which you can go through at home http://stpetersstockport.org.uk/uncategorized/an-easter-service-for-use-at-home/
Radio and TV broadcasts during Holy Week and Easter
With no Church Services for the foreseeable future, here are some of the Services that are being broadcast on Radio and TV during Holy Week and Easter…
There is an interesting series on BBC Radio 4 during Holy Week 9.45am each morning (15mins) The Passion in Plants – 5 Episodes commencing Monday 6th April Monday Pussy Willows and the Yew – Palm Sunday 1/5 Bob Gilbert traces the associations of British wild plants with the Easter Story beginning with Palm Sunday. No palms here, instead people carried fronds of goat willow and yew. Tuesday The Last Supper and the Betrayal – Bitter Herbs and the Elder 2/5 The Last Supper was the Feast of the Passover, when Jewish people eat the bitter herbs. And the Elder from which Judas, full of remorse following his betrayal, hanged himself Wednesday The Road to the Cross – Hawthorn and Speedwell 3/5 British wild plants and the Passion of Christ; the hawthorn crown, the road to the cross and the humble speedwell. Maundy Thursday The Crucifixion – the Orchid and the Aspen 4/5 The Passion of Christ through the folklore of wildflowers. The tree the cross was made from, and the plants that grew at its foot. Good Friday The Resurrection – Pearlwort, Touch-me-not and the Alleluia Flower 5/5 The plants that by tradition tell of the Resurrection: the pearlwort that cushioned Christ’s feet, the touch-me-not balsam and the alleluia flower.
Palm Sunday
BBC Radio 4 8.10am Sunday Worship “Walking alongside Jesus in suffering “ Fr Dominic Robinson and Dr Theodora Hawksley reflect on the way Jesus accompanies Christians spiritually when facing times of trial, suffering and bereavement. TV BBC 1 10.45am SUNDAY WORSHIP Hereford Cathedral TV BBC 1 1.15pm Songs of Praise – Glasgow Cathedral BBC Radio 3.30pm Choral Evensong – Magdalen College Oxford
Wednesday 8th April
BBC Radio 3 3.30pm Choral Evensong Church of the Incarnation, Dallas, Texas
Good Friday 10th April
BBC Radio 3 2.00pm Bach’s St John’s Passion
Easter Sunday
BBC Radio 4 6.05amDr Rowan Williams – retired Archbishop of Canterbury – Reflections on the meaning of Easter BBC Radio 4 6.35amSunrise Service celebrating Easter morning – with Gospel Group Volney Morgan and New-Ye ! BBC Radio 4 8.10am Sunday Worship “Christ is Risen” – with the Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby TV BBC 1 11.25am SUNDAY WORSHIP Bangor Cathedral TV BBC 1 1.15pm Songs of Praise Katherine Jenkins celebrates Easter at a new church, – St Luke’s ( C of E ) Gas Street in Birmingham Radio 3 3.00pm Festal Evensong ( Norwich Cathedral )
See the prayer resources page for links to Chester Cathedral and other streamed Services including the National Virtual Service for Palm Sunday led by the Bishop of Manchester (on Facebook only).
From the Diocese Coronavirus Briefing No 4:
Sunday Prayer Candle
If you can join with others again at 7.00pm this Sunday night, lighting a candle in the window, please do, and as suggested by Bishop Keith, pray this psalm:
“I lift my eyes to the hills – from where will my help come? My help comes from the Lord who made heaven and earth"
Psalm 121
The Acting Bishop of Chester, Keith Sinclair, is inviting you to, “share a prayer and pray a prayer” as part of a diocesan-wide effort to support one another through the coronavirus crisis.
Bishop Keith says: “We are all coming to terms with the new realities of the coronavirus pandemic. For us all this means staying at home, but even from our armchairs we can serve our communities in prayer.
“I want to encourage everyone, whatever your experience of prayer may be – seasoned regular or just dipping your toe – to try walking with God in prayer today.
“There is an abundance of prayer that can be said for our communities, NHS, police, schools, business leaders, and government, as well as for individuals and their personal circumstances.”
Prayer sheets made up of prayers requested for a wide range of situations are available at the Prayer Hub for people to download and pray in their own time.
In addition, a discreet group of 12 volunteers is also praying day and night for sensitive situations that people may not wish to share with the wider diocese.
Are you in need of prayer?
Text or WhatsApp your prayer to 07513170210 and it will be shared with people in the diocese to pray. Or you can email your prayer to foxhill@chester.anglican.org. Prayers received will be distributed across the diocese to volunteers to pray in their own time as part of a daily rhythm of prayer.
Bishop Keith says: “To anyone who is in need of prayer, I want to say this: share it with others so that we can pray together for you and your loved ones. We all have personal concerns and anxieties, and prayer has always been a real comfort to me in a time of need.”
The team at Foxhill is helping to serve the diocese by coordinating this prayer effort after closing its doors in March. If you would like to request prayer for you and your personal circumstances, contact the team at Foxhill. Your prayer will be distributed around the diocese for volunteers to pray as part of their daily rhythm of prayer.