“Behold, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world!”
John 1:29
At this most unusual of Christmases we are keen to continue worship for as long as we can here in St. Peter’s. At time of writing (21st Dec) the following services will be going ahead. All are welcome…
Christmas Eve
- 12.00pm – 1.30pm Church open for private prayer and the shop.
- 12.30pm Vigil Mass
Christmas Day
- 10.30am Sung Mass of the Nativity
Sunday 27th December
- First Sunday of Christmas “The Holy Family” 10.30am Sung Mass
Entrance is via the side door, and hand sanitser is available on entry. Please wear a face covering unless exempt. Please sit 2 metres apart from others unless in your household or bubble. Hymns are included in our services but no singing – just enjoy the tune! The Sacrement will be offered in one kind only – the Host, and not the Wine; and must be received in your hands. If anyone does not wish to receive, that is fine, and you may stay in your place, or come forward for a Blessing during the Communion. All are very welcome…