In our main weekly service, Sunday 10.30am – Sung Mass, we celebrate the Eucharist and renew ourselves with prayer, listening to the Word of God and receiving the Sacrament. The service is modern in language but traditional and dignified in ceremonial and music. It has been described by many visitors as inspiring and uplifting! The service is followed by tea, coffee, and biscuits.
All are most welcome!
We are currently in interregnum and have visiting priests when available. When a priest is not present the Churchwardens and Servers lead the worship and administer the Blessed Sacrament from the Tabernacle. The service is still traditional with hymns and incense when appropriate. If you would like more information, or the dates of the next visiting priest please do get in touch.
If you can’t make it to church, see our Online worship/prayer resources page for services and prayers available now