Everyone is very welcome to join our Holy Week Services as follows:
Sunday 10th April 10.30am
Blessing of Palms and Sung Mass. Reading of St. Luke Passion Gospel
Maundy Thursday 14th April
7.30pm Mass of the Lord’s Supper and Watch before the Blessed Sacrament
Good Friday 15th April
1pm Stations of the Cross
2pm Liturgy of the Day – Reading of St John Passion Gospel and Veneration of the Cross
Easter Day 17th April
10.30am Blessing of Paschal Candle, Sung Mass and Renewal of Baptismal Promises.
Allleluia! Christ is Risen!
We are still using the side door (opposite Cobden) instead of the main tower doors, and have hand sanitizer available on entry. Service books are placed on the pews, and current service sheet is available on the table near the door . If you are unable to get to church please see the lockdown Easter service which you can go through at home http://stpetersstockport.org.uk/uncategorized/an-easter-service-for-use-at-home/