Graveyard Tidy Day

Tuesday March 4th 11am – 2pm

Working with Groundwork who will be holding an event in St Peter’s Square at the same time, we will be holding a graveyard tidy event for anyone who wants to get involved and spruce up St Peter’s graveyard. Free refreshments will be available for volunteers, and onsite toilets of course.

Many gravestones are unreadable at the moment, but are fascinating to see and research. The earliest stone is from 1768 when Mary Wolstoncroft was buried on the 19th June. We hope this event, if successful will be the first of many so we can make the local area look better, and rediscover some of the fascinating hidden tales the churchyard has to offer.

Poster for St Peter's Graveyard Tidy event, St Peter's Square, Stockport on Tuesday 4th March 11am - 2pm
All welocme, free refreshments for volunteers

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