Heritage Open Days 2024

It’s that Heritage Open Days time of year, and we are happy to be a part of the festival again this year. We are open Saturday 14th and Sunday 15th September from 1pm to 4pm. Take a look inside this atmospheric church, pause to light a candle or peruse our church history exhibition. The original 1769 Whitehurst clock from the clock tower is also located on the ground floor and in full working order.

Iron frame containing the Whitehurst clock mechanism in St Peter's church

A new history display will chart St Peter’s journey from the 18th Century to the 21st, and include pictures from inside the tower which is inaccessible to the public.

Saturday is the date of our free Organ Concert too so pop along earlier if you like (10am-1pm), and listen to guest organists play our church and theatre organs, or piano.
On Sunday we will remain open following 10.30am Mass.

Hot and cold drinks available on both dates, and if you’re lucky there may still be cake left from the concert!

Heritage Open Days logo text

Easter Services

With the end of Lent and the celebration of our Risen Lord fast approaching, here are our Easter service times for you to make a note of and hopefully come and join us – all are welcome! please note there will be no organ concert for April as it falls on Holy Saturday.

  • Palm Sunday 10.30am Sung Mass
  • Maundy Thusday 7.30pm Mass of the Lord’s Supper and Watch until 9.30pm
  • Good Friday 1.00pm Stations of the Cross, 2.00pm Liturgy of the Day
  • Easter Day 10.30am Sung Mass
Colourful painting of the last supper
Luke 22:20 In the same way, after the supper he took the cup, saying, “This cup is the new covenant in my blood, which is poured out for you.
 Psalm 33:20-22 We wait in hope for the Lord; he is our help and our shield. In him our hearts rejoice, for we trust in his holy name. May your unfailing love be with us, Lord, even as we put our hope in you.
A Lego model of the empty tomb with the large round door moved to one side, with an angel upon it. Two female figures look inside with a bottle of oil stood on the floor. Happy Easter!

Events are Back! – Organ Concerts & Heritage Open Days

We are pleased to announce that our monthly free organ concerts will be restarting from Saturday September 11th 2021. They will follow the usual format, starting at 10am and continuing until 1pm. Refreshments will be available throughout, and you can come and go as you please. Guest organists to be confirmed, updates will appear on this site when avilable.

Following the first organ concert on September 11th, we will be participating in the Heritage Open Days which this year is focussed on the beautiful embroidered processional banners we have.

Most of these fascinating banners are on display on the gallery and not accessible up close. Each one has been photographed and studied to produce an informative booklet – available free on the day to visitors. Close up photographs and a short description will also be on display.

People are also welcome to just have alook around the Grade II listed church, and refreshments will still be available.

Mothers’ Union Banner in St. Peter’s Church

Cafe reopening & concert

The cafe and shop will be reopening on Tuesday 7th January following the Christmas break.

The next Saturday morning concert is on the 11th January – 10am – 1pm. This month features organists Jack Vickers, Steve Birch and Gilly Oselton. Come and go as you please. Coffe or tea and cake just £2!

Christmas Organ Concert 2019

Our next free organ concert is on Saturday 14th December – special Christmas edition with festive tunes and massive raffle! Come and go as you like – hot drinks and cake available.