Graveyard Tidy Day

Tuesday March 4th 11am – 2pm

Working with Groundwork who will be holding an event in St Peter’s Square at the same time, we will be holding a graveyard tidy event for anyone who wants to get involved and spruce up St Peter’s graveyard. Free refreshments will be available for volunteers, and onsite toilets of course.

Many gravestones are unreadable at the moment, but are fascinating to see and research. The earliest stone is from 1768 when Mary Wolstoncroft was buried on the 19th June. We hope this event, if successful will be the first of many so we can make the local area look better, and rediscover some of the fascinating hidden tales the churchyard has to offer.

Poster for St Peter's Graveyard Tidy event, St Peter's Square, Stockport on Tuesday 4th March 11am - 2pm
All welocme, free refreshments for volunteers

Easter Services

Colourful painting of the last supper

This year we are happy to be able to welcome all to our Easter Services, a sign that things are better than last year if nothing else! Services as follows:

Maundy Thursday

7.30pm Mass of the Lord’s Supper followed by the Watch (optional) until 9.30pm

Good Friday

1.00pm Stations of the Cross

2.00pm Liturgy of the Day

Easter Day

Allleluia! Christ is Risen!

10.30am Sung Mass with Easter Ceremonies

We are still using the side door (opposite Cobden) instead of the main tower doors, and have hand sanitizer available on entry. You are required to wear a face covering unless exempt. Service books are placed on the pews marking socially distanced places. If you are unable to get to church please see the Easter service from last year for you to go through at home

 Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptising them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.

 Matthew 28: 18 – 20

A Lego model of the empty tomb with the large round door moved to one side, with an angel upon it. Two female figures look inside at a coffin with it's lid moved. A little chicken looks on also!