No Organ Concert on 10th August 2024

We apologise for any disappointment but the organ concert on Saturday 10th August has been cancelled. Back to normal for September 14th 10am – 1pm when we also have our Heritage Open Days exhibition.

Instead, why not attend the Plaza Coffee Morning from 11am – 2pm on Saturday 10th August where you can hear Andrew Moody, Gilly Oselton, Anthony Brookes and Ian Gander playing the Mighty Compton Organ?

Coronation Big Lunch

Join us on Sunday May 7th for our Coronation Big Lunch. 12pm after the service.

All welcome, bring a picnic lunch to eat in our street party themed cafe. Hot drinks available.

More info to follow…

Easter Services

With the end of Lent and the celebration of our Risen Lord fast approaching, here are our Easter service times for you to make a note of and hopefully come and join us – all are welcome! please note there will be no organ concert for April as it falls on Holy Saturday.

  • Palm Sunday 10.30am Sung Mass
  • Maundy Thusday 7.30pm Mass of the Lord’s Supper and Watch until 9.30pm
  • Good Friday 1.00pm Stations of the Cross, 2.00pm Liturgy of the Day
  • Easter Day 10.30am Sung Mass
Colourful painting of the last supper
Luke 22:20 In the same way, after the supper he took the cup, saying, “This cup is the new covenant in my blood, which is poured out for you.
 Psalm 33:20-22 We wait in hope for the Lord; he is our help and our shield. In him our hearts rejoice, for we trust in his holy name. May your unfailing love be with us, Lord, even as we put our hope in you.
A Lego model of the empty tomb with the large round door moved to one side, with an angel upon it. Two female figures look inside with a bottle of oil stood on the floor. Happy Easter!

Consultation Results Available

Following the consultation at the end of last year, we now have the results available as a report. Thank you very much to all who completed the questionnaire.

It is clear you want us to continue with traditional worship and there is strong demand for choirs both within services, and as separate events. Concerts would be popular at weekends and evenings, and there is desire to know more about St. Peter’s history.

We’ll be getting to work on this, and other suggestions, and include these in future plans. The full report can be read here.

Christmas Services

A traditional painting of Mary gazing into the manger a Baby Jesus surrounded by light.
Isaiah 9:6 For to us a child is born, to us a son is given. And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.

Join us over Christmas for our Carol Service or other traditional services – all welcome:

Friday 17th December 7.30pm Christmas Carol Service – Nine Lessons and Carols with Stockport Choral Society

Christmas Eve Friday 24th December 12.30pm Vigil Mass of Christmas & Carols

Christmas Day Saturday 25th December 10.30am Mass (said)

Sunday 26th December St. Stephen First Martyr 10.30am Mass (said)

Monday 27th December St. John the Evangelist 12.30pm Mass

Tuesday 28th December The Holy Innocents 12.30pm Mass

Friday 31st 12.30pm Vigil Mass of Naming of Jesus

Sunday 2nd January 2022 The Holy Family 10.30am Sung Mass

Mary Joseph and baby Jesus in a crib - lego figures
Image by Jonathan Fahrny from Pixabay

Have your say on the future of St. Peter’s

St. Peter’s is looking forward to an exciting future within the centre of regeneration in Stockport, with hundreds more residents destined to live in the parish for the first time in many years. As we look to begin a staged repair programme, beginning with the landmark tower, we’d like to know what you would find useful, interesting, and worth coming to the church for. This is an opportunity for you to give us your suggestions so we can incorporate them into our fututre plans and activities.

A cartoon ballot box gives the thumbs up as a paper with selected checkboxes sticks out of his head

We are embarking on an ambitious restoration journey, and we want your help to tell us what you want from us! Your responses to the survey monkey questionnaire below will help us plan our general social events but also guide our plans for the future.

The questionnaire is also avaliable in a paper version from the church.

Events are Back! – Organ Concerts & Heritage Open Days

We are pleased to announce that our monthly free organ concerts will be restarting from Saturday September 11th 2021. They will follow the usual format, starting at 10am and continuing until 1pm. Refreshments will be available throughout, and you can come and go as you please. Guest organists to be confirmed, updates will appear on this site when avilable.

Following the first organ concert on September 11th, we will be participating in the Heritage Open Days which this year is focussed on the beautiful embroidered processional banners we have.

Most of these fascinating banners are on display on the gallery and not accessible up close. Each one has been photographed and studied to produce an informative booklet – available free on the day to visitors. Close up photographs and a short description will also be on display.

People are also welcome to just have alook around the Grade II listed church, and refreshments will still be available.

Mothers’ Union Banner in St. Peter’s Church

We are Now open Sundays

Now that most of our vulnerable members of the congregation have had their jabs, we have decided to open for the ‘normal’ socially distanced services on Sundays.

Mass starts 10.30am from Sunday 19th February

Masks must be worn unless you have an exemption, and hand sanitiser is available near the door. We are continuing to use the side entrance (opposite the Polish shop) instead of the tower doors whilst restrictions are still in place.

All welcome, we hope to see you soon!

Open for Private Prayer

During this latest lockdown we are still open for private prayer on Tuesdays and Fridays from 12pm to 1.30pm. Light a candle and take some peaceful time out.

The toilets are also open.

A white taper lights a white church candle
John 1:5 – The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.

Tower Update – We are Still Open!

Despite appearances otherwise, we are still open for services and prayer with Covid-19 precautions:

Wednesday 29th July 12.00 – 1.30pm – peaceful reflection/prayer

Friday 31st July 12.00 – 1.30pm – 12.30pm Mass

Sunday 2nd August 10.30am Mass

Tuesday 4th August – 12.00 – 1.30pm – peaceful reflection/prayer

Tower Repair Update

Repairs were attempted from a very impressive ‘Cherry Picker’ but sadly it was just too short! The base had to rest on the sturdy ground outside of the graveyard, meaning that the arm wasn’t able to reach far enough to enable safe access. It was however, tantalisingly colse enough to obtain some informative pictures of the damage – not good.

We are now awaiting the arrival of an even more impressive ‘Cherry Picker’ from Bradford, which is cheaper than scaffolding! All being well, the emergency repairs will be carried out then. It is hoped that a large project to restore the tower and increase the use of the church in the local community will be under way in the near future.